Amazon A-to-z Guarantee

About A-to-Z Guarantee

We guarantee purchases from third-party sellers when payment is made via the website or when you use Amazon Payments for qualified purchases on third-party websites. The condition of the item you buy and its timely delivery are guaranteed under the Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee.

The following items and situations are not covered by the Amazon A-to-Z Guarantee:

  • Payments for services (excluding specific eligible services sold through the website)
  • Digital merchandise
  • Cash or stored value instruments (except physical gift cards sold in the Gift Card category)
  • Prohibited items (including items violating the Amazon Payments Acceptable Use Policy)
  • If you paid by credit card and the issuing bank has initiated a chargeback
  • Damage or loss that occurs to goods after they are delivered to a freight forwarder
You can file an A-to-Z Guarantee claim after you've contacted the third-party seller through Your Account and waited two business days, and when one of the following conditions applies:
  • You made payment to the third-party seller through the website or a third-party website using Amazon Payments, but the third-party seller failed to deliver the item by 3 calendar days past the maximum estimated delivery date for an order or 30 days from the order date, whichever is sooner; or
  • You received the item, but the item was defective, damaged, or not the item depicted in the third-party seller's description; or
  • You have returned the item to the third-party seller per an agreement between the buyer and seller and the seller has not provided the agreed reimbursement to the buyer after receiving the item.

    Note: If you refuse the package and the return doesn't have tracking information, your claim may not be covered by the A-to-Z Guarantee.
  • You were not satisfied with the quality of the eligible service performed by the third-party seller.

Please also note the following claim timeframes:

  • For third-party seller orders made on the website for physical goods, you must wait 3 calendar days past the maximum estimated delivery date for an order OR 30 days from the order date, whichever is sooner.
  • If your order fails to arrive, you then have 60 days to file an A-to-Z claim.
  • If you receive your item and it is damaged, defective, or materially different, you must contact the third-party seller within fourteen (14) days of receipt to request return information.
  • For purchases using Amazon Payments on a third-party website, you must wait 15 days from the order date to submit a claim. From that point, you have 75 days to submit the claim.
  • For third-party seller orders made on the website for eligible services, you must wait until your scheduled delivery time has elapsed to file an A-to-Z claim.